There is a big difference between creativity and innovation. Creativity is when you generate original ideas or produce artistic work, but innovation is when those ideas create value. In business, you need to fully understand your business model, core targets, capabilities, strengths, and industry opportunities to formulate an innovative value proposition that will take your business to a new level.
At Concepta Strategies, we have created a workshop that will take your company into the innovation and execution mode. Your employees will understand what you do and most importantly why you do it. They will also be able to generate out of the box concepts. The workshop ends with an actionable plan to execute the projects.
What to expect:
- A full evaluation of where your company is regarding the economy, industry, market and latest trends.
- A business model diagnostic survey to spot strengths and new opportunities to leverage in your innovation plan and weak areas that need improvement.
- A clear understanding of why people buy your products and services and how to grow your company according to your unique strategic approach.
- Advice on how to use innovation frameworks and implement the key findings within your business model.
- Finally, elaborate business plan for the upcoming year.